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Topsfield Athletic Association

Topsfield baseball is the place to come and learn how to learn the skills and enjoy the game of Baseball. Baseball in Topsfield begins
with "Winter Sessions" between February & April breaks. The Spring Season follows, and ends as the school year finishes. The AA,
AAA, and Majors are travel teams and travel to either Boxford or Middleton for away games. Home games are played at Pye Brook
Community Park (122 Haverhill Rd, Topsfield, MA 01983). T-ball and A League are only made up of Topsfield teams and do not


Please Note:  Little League Age is the player’s age as of August 31st of the current season

TEE BALL DIVISION (4 & 5 year olds)
*TEE BALL IS AN INSTRUCTIONAL DIVISION*  The focus of Tee Ball is to introduce and develop basic baseball skills while incorporating the concepts of sportsmanship and teamwork, while most importantly HAVING FUN! Rosters will be ideally kept between 5-10 players with 3 Coaches, which will provide the best opportunity for individual attention.  Tee Ball will meet once per week for an hour-long practice/'game' combination.  The first 20-30 minutes will focus on instructional skills and drills and the last 30-40 minutes on a simulated game.  

SINGLE-A DIVISION (6 & 7 year olds)

*SINGLE-A IS AN INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM*  For many of the players in this division, we realize this is their first time being exposed to baseball.  Our main goals are to be sure each player continues to learn the BASICS about baseball, while having FUN doing it.  In this level we use the Rapid Baseball Program. RapidBaseball is an improved format of competitive gameplay, developed for ballplayers 6-9 years old. This format has been created by a team of ex-professional baseball players who saw a problem with how baseball is being coached and played at the younger levels. RapidBaseball offers players an action packed, fun experience that develops baseball players through constant repetition. Any former professional baseball player will tell you the only way to improve is through “doing” and “repetition”. RapidBaseball eliminates every slowdown a typical game experiences, and creates a competitive and development focused experience. Players competing in a RapidBaseball will improve far quicker as hitters, defenders and pitchers.

What makes RapidBaseball different? ….

Pitching Machine

RapidBaseball leverages the use of a pitching machine for the purposes of speed and consistency. More balls put into play, more defensive opportunities, more confidence, more fun. 3 pitches maximum per batter.

10 Minute Half Innings

A 10 minute timer is set at the first pitch of each half inning. Each team bats for 10 minutes straight. A complete inning is ~20 minutes in length. On average, 22-25 players will bat per HALF inning!

3 outs, Bases Cleared

Once 3 outs are achieved, the bases are cleared, and the offensive team continues to bat. This eliminates the time wasted with players coming on and off the field plus warming up a pitcher.

6-8 At Bats

With the increased speed of play, batters on average will bat twice per inning. More at bats equals more development. With the use of the pitching machine and time based innings batters are cycled through quickly and gain confidence!

60-80 Defensive Plays

With the added consistency of the pitching machine, each team will put, on average, 60-80 balls in play. That’s upwards of 150 total defensive plays each game combined! THIS develops baseball players!

Pitcher Development (RapidBullpen)

No more having 1-2 players on the “bench” each defensive inning. In RapidBaseball, two players are working through a structured bullpen with one of the coaches. Pitching development is made a priority with RapidBaseball.

DOUBLE-A DIVISION (8 & 9 year olds)

*DOUBLE-A IS PLAYER-PITCH DEVELOPMENTAL PROGRAM* This is typically considered a player's first year of a 'real baseball' format with a significantly increased level of competitive play compared to Single-A.  Rosters are assembled by League Managers focusing on balancing talent and skill levels equally across all teams within the division. Rosters will be ideally kept between 9-13 players with 3 Coaches.  This is the first level where PLAYERS play the positions of Pitcher and Catcher; In addition umpires are introduced at this level and an end of the season playoff tournament occurs. Rosters will be composed off all Topsfield players, but teams will play a portion of their schedule against Middleton & Boxford teams and travel within the Tritown area.  Standings and scores are recorded to the league website. There are typically 1-2 games and 1-2 practices per week. 

*Please note that there MAY BE an evaluation associated with playing in this division, however, ALL children registered will be placed on a team. 

*Boxford and Topsfield will also use Rapid Baseball model for half of the season or at coaches’ discretion. Middleton does not participate in Rapid Baseball.

TRIPLE-A DIVISION (10 & 11 year olds)

*TRIPLE-A IS A DEVELOPMENTAL PROGRAM WITH INCREASED COMPETITIVENESS*  Coaches focus on developing individual and team skills, ultimately creating a team with advanced baseball ability prepared for advancing to the Major Division next season .  Rosters are assembled by League Managers focusing on balancing talent and skill levels equally across all teams within the division. Rosters will be ideally kept between 9-12 players with 3 Coaches.   Rosters will be composed of all Topsfield players, but teams will play a portion of their schedule against Middleton & Boxford teams and travel within the Tritown area.  Standings and scores are recorded to the league website and there will be a postseason tournament. There are typically 1-2 games and 1-2 practices per week. 

*Please note that there MAY BE a evaluation associated with playing in this division, however, ALL children registered will be placed on a team

MAJORS DIVISION (11 & 12 year olds)

*THE MAJORS DIVISION IS THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF COMPETITIVE BASEBALL IN LITTLE LEAGUE*  Coaches focus on continuing the development of individual and team skills, game situations and advanced baseball concepts ultimately preparing players for High School and Babe Ruth baseball next season .  Rosters are assembled by League Managers focusing on balancing talent and skill levels equally across all teams within the division. Rosters will be ideally kept between 9-12 players with 3 Coaches.   Rosters will be composed of all Topsfield players, but teams will play a portion of their schedule against Middleton & Boxford teams and travel within the Tritown area.  Standings and scores are recorded to the league website and there will be a postseason tournament. There are typically 1-2 games and 1-2 practices per week.
*Please note that there MAY BE a evaluation associated with playing in this division. ALL children registered will be placed on a team.

Registration Listing

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There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

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Topsfield Athletic Association


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